I’m a white male in North America’s upper middle class

I’m a white male in North America’s upper middle class March 15, 2017

I’m a white male in North America’s upper middle class.

This inglorious inheritance of slaveholders, misogynists, and war-makers shapes what I experience and, just as importantly, do not experience—i.e., what black men undergo in our country’s criminal and judicial system or even during casual traffic stops and what women of all races and classes endure when confronted by our culture’s everyday sexism and what gay women and men face in the daily bigotry (or worse in the all-too-common violence) they encounter.

My subjective preferences are rooted in unearned privilege (not to mention a particularly eccentric background, which I describe in my memoir Crazy For God). That notwithstanding I hope that at least some of what I say here in this video “America Unraveling” will exceed my glaring limitations…. READ THE REST HERE ON MY NEW PERSONAL BLOG…


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