Pick me! Pick me!

Pick me! Pick me! February 20, 2014
Young Boy at School Raising His Hand to Answer in Class
When my daughter Hannah was little, she would raise her hand at the kitchen table and say, “Pick me, pick me!” so she could say something. Yeah, she was cute. Still is.

I often want God to ‘pick me, pick me,’ when He has a task that needs doing. Something exciting! He has done that many times and I am honored and humbled.  Sometimes, I seem to be slow off the starting blocks. I’m a little afraid it won’t pan out. All my insecurities about it (me) not being good enough come to the forefront.

Our church gathered together for fellowship years ago to share a word or a song or something God had given us. A song came to my mind but I was still too shy to just sing out so I didn’t do it. A moment later, our lovely worship leadersang the same song. I was shocked and had a moment with the Lord right then and there. I knew He had given me a song to contribute and I declined. So He gave it to someone else.

That lesson has stayed with me. He is happy to let me play a part. He will also accomplish His work. If I decline, He will pick someone else. I am good enough because of who I am – not what I can accomplish. That, and God’s love for me, needs to be all I need.

I need to let it go and simply respond when God leads me, step out and act when God gives me a task.

God calls us all to do things, to touch people’s lives, to give a word of encouragement, to love some who is feeling unlovable.  God picked you. You.

Listen. Let go. Say yes. You are wonderful. You are enough.

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