April 3, 2021

God is not an insurance agent. H. G. Wells During Rick Pitino’s tenure as the coach of the Boston Celtics from 1997-2001, he was often asked about when, if ever, the mediocre Celtics would reach the rarified air of excellence reached by Bill Russell’s Celtics of the 60s and Larry Bird’s Celtics of the 80s. After yet another loss in 2000 and yet more questions about when things would get better, Pitino lost it in the postgame press conference. Larry... Read more

April 2, 2021

During the college basketball season, Jeanne and I frequently watch a replay of the Providence Friars’ most recent game (when we win) the next day. The moment to moment drama can be tense in replay, even when we know what the outcome will be. We never watch a loss the next day—why submit ourselves voluntarily to an experience that we know ends badly? Even the worst of times can be weathered and perhaps appreciated when one knows that things work... Read more

March 31, 2021

I know we’re in the middle of Holy Week. I know that today is Maundy Thursday and that tomorrow is Good Friday. But according to the calendar, today is also April Fools Day. So let’s step back, lighten up a bit, and ask a profoundly important question. Did Jesus ever laugh? One of the many enjoyable occurrences at the end of each semester is occasionally receiving thank-you notes from students. Often they come from quiet students who said little in... Read more

March 29, 2021

Holy Week is upon us once again—as good a time as any to step back and reflect a bit on where I find myself as a person of faith three weeks into my 65th year. I come from a Evangelical Christian upbringing, where what we believed was crystal clear from large doctrinal demands to minutiae about when television was okay to watch and why dancing and going to movies never were okay. Needless to say, I have evolved (or strayed)... Read more

March 27, 2021

Today is Palm Sunday, one of the most dramatic days on the liturgical calendar. But there is one reported event attributed to Palm Sunday that it makes an appearance in the liturgy every Sunday. And each time I say or sing this part of the liturgy, I remember a beloved colleague. Rodney Delasanta was one of best teachers and colleagues I ever had the privilege of knowing. Rodney was a true Renaissance man—a Chaucer scholar, family man, sports fan (especially... Read more

March 25, 2021

A Facebook friend who knows that I am a philosophy professor sent me a thought-provoking picture a couple of weeks ago. I thought I knew a good deal about the ancient world, particularly ancient philosophy, but Mediocrates was a new one for me. So I did some research. Mediocrates (around 450-370ish BCE) was the (much) younger sibling of his slightly more famous brother, Socrates. Like Socrates, everything we know about Mediocrates comes through the testimony of those who knew and... Read more

March 23, 2021

So here we are again. Mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder in the last week, just the latest in a tragically endless string of carnage from gun violence that, unfortunately, is unique to our nation. A little over four years ago, I wrote the following essay after a mass shooting (there have been so many that I have forgetten which one); two years later, after another mass killing, I reposted it. Sadly, things have not changed–here it is again. Yesterday... Read more

March 23, 2021

Not that long ago, I received an email from a colleague who is my college’s Vice President for Public Affairs and Community Relations. We don’t know each other well, but he knows that I have many years of administrative experience, first chairing my department, then directing our signature interdisciplinary program required of all Freshmen and Sophomores, he knows that I share his passion for the Friars and the Red Sox, and he also reads this blog. So he is familiar... Read more

March 20, 2021

Dr. Seuss has been in the news lately, as the Seuss estate chose earlier this month to stop selling six of the beloved author’s books because of ethnic and racial stereotypes that “are hurtful and wrong.” This decision, as we all know, prompted hyperventilated headlines on cable news and complaints about “cancel culture” from prominent conservatives, outrage that made it all the way to the halls of Congress as elected Republican officials chose to read publically from Dr. Seuss rather than... Read more

March 18, 2021

Over the years, a typical scenario has unfolded when I meet someone for the first time. “What do you do?” I am asked. “I’m a college professor.” “Oh wow! What do you teach?” “Philosophy.” At that point, one of three things happens: “Say something philosophical,” my new acquaintance demands. I generally say something like “When a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, there isn’t any sound (pause), except for the times that there is.” That’s usually... Read more

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