Mercury Falls

Mercury Falls September 6, 2012

Note: I am posting this previous review for archive sake since I am also posting a review for the final volume of this trilogy.

Some time ago The Ironic Catholic recommended Mercury Falls by Robert Kroese. There are not too many books in the genre of hilarious novels involving the Apocalypse. Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman certainly set the standard for this small genre and setting a very high bar being laugh-out-loud funny from beginning to end.

I was certainly delighted to find that Mercury Falls holds up quite well in comparison. There was much to laugh about, smirk about, groan about, and just plain smile about as I read through this novel. Mercury a rather independent thinking Angel ends up teaming with Christine Temetri a reporter who finds herself only covering nut jobs warning of the coming Apocalypse. Of course this time the Apocalypse has really arrived and Satan has other plans than following the plot spoiler concerning him revealed in the Book of Revelation. Along the way we meet the Anti-Christ who had been living with his mother for support and we learn a lot about the end times and linoleum. Robert Kroese takes these elements and runs with them, puns with them, and shows himself to be a very talented humor writer that should be much more known.

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