Moby Dick Big Read: an audio chapter a day

Moby Dick Big Read: an audio chapter a day September 19, 2012

Moby-DickMoby-Dick by Herman Melville

I swore I’d never read this book after hearing about how much time was spent on the technical aspects of whale species differentiation and whaling itself. However, the Moby Dick Big Read came along to change my mind enough to gingerly essay the first chapter, wonderfully read by Tilda Swinton. I’ll continue and see what makes this book so essential to so many. I’m also intrigued by their mixture of celebrities and unknown readers as an ultra-LibriVox concept in providing free content that may be read by many narrators.

What is the Moby-Dick Big Read?

Moby-Dick is the great American novel. But it is also the great unread American novel. Sprawling, magnificent, deliriously digressive, it stands over and above all other works of fiction…

…the Moby-Dick Big Read: an online version of Melville’s magisterial tome: each of its 135 chapters read out aloud, by a mixture of the celebrated and the unknown, to be broadcast online in a sequence of 135 downloads, publicly and freely accessible.

I have to admit that the “great unread American novel” hit me where I live since I have so often urged others to read Uncle Tom’s Cabin for the very same reason. The above is just a fraction of what they say about the novel so go there for details.

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