We finally saw Avengers: Age of Ultron

We finally saw Avengers: Age of Ultron May 23, 2015

Yes, there are lots of articles out there on spiritual themes in the movie, including “Age of Ultron May Be the Most Spiritual Superhero Movie Yet.”  Themes of Tony Stark playing God and creating a monster, plus the bit that each of the Avengers sees their fears, courtesy the Scarlet Witch.  But I’ll tell you my reaction:

It was draining.  And it was tiring.  And, for all that the commentary I’d read told me there was lots of witty dialog, it felt out of place, as if the screenwriter just had a quota of quips, because the mood was relentlessly ominous.  It wasn’t relentlessly violent per se, and, to be sure, the violence wasn’t gory, but the tone of the whole movie just felt darker than the prior one, in part, I think, because of the fact that Ultron was Stark’s own creation — meaning that the trail of destruction felt all the more like a waste (even though it was just a movie) because it was self-inflicted, like the hubris of a Greek hero.  Oh, and there was a very long scene of Hulk-destruction that just kept going and going, for so much longer than was really necessary for story-telling purposes.

My husband and I went to the movie ourselves as a pre-screening before deciding which of our kids could see it, and concluded that the youngest definitely couldn’t, the middle would be permitted, though he might not enjoy it as much as other Marvel movies, and the oldest would be fine.  But I’ll definitely let my husband be the one to take them — and none of the other upcoming Marvel movies, per the previews, looked worth seeing either.

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