Wanted: fundraising advice

Wanted: fundraising advice May 27, 2017


Here’s a request that’s got nothing to do with politics, or Catholicism, or any of my usual topics:  fundraising.

Our Cub Scout pack is looking at trying a different fundraiser than the usual popcorn; specifically, we’re looking into World’s Finest Chocolate — that is, rather than selling bags of popcorn for $10 – $25, they’d be selling candy at $1 or $2, by taking cases of candy bars door-to-door or via site-sales (e.g., in front of the grocery store).  I’m concerned that we’d solve the problem of sheepishly asking people to pay way too much for popcorn, but end up selling too little product to raise significant amounts of money.  (And the yelp reviews are pretty bad, though in some cases they simply can’t grasp that inflation means a buck doesn’t buy what it used to.)

So I’m asking anyone who has experience with this sort of fundraiser for their local group (and we’re small – only 30 boys) to please share their stories.  Thank you!

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