June 24, 2015

Not everyday does your little one put a stuffed animal in the toilet and then in her mouth. And not everyday can I not stop laughing because of it. Hope you guys enjoy the new vlog! (more…) Read more

June 18, 2015

Hey guys! This week’s vlog was a ton of fun! Would love to know your favorite part. Also I’ve started to make them a little longer. Let me know if you guys think they are too long! Read more

June 14, 2015

Sabbath. Shabbat. It’s an old, Jewish term isn’t it? I know that the Lord commanded the Israelites to take a Sabbath once a week, but that’s an old commandment right? It may be an old commandment, but it’s still a good principle to live by today. Jeff and I are learning how vital it is to our lives, for our good and for our family. God always knows what’s best doesn’t He? And I’m learning it’s not just a day... Read more

June 11, 2015

This vlog is quickly becoming my favorite thing to do every week! I love that we get to do it as a family. I made this one longer and included a lot more ordinary and mundane parts of the day. Hope you guys enjoy it! Would love to hear your favorite parts once you watch! Read more

June 7, 2015

  Seeing all the graduation pictures on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter the past couple weeks has made me reflect and think back to just a few years ago when I graduated in 2011. It’s only been 4 years since I graduated but the past 4 years have been quite formative. Below are 5 things if I could go back I’d tell myself on the day I graduated.   1) Be ok with not having a plan or answer for what... Read more

June 4, 2015

Hey guys! This is probably my favorite vlog we’ve done so far. We had some friends in town last week so I got to take a few days off work and we headed to the west side of Maui where the beaches and water are amazing! Also got some fun drone shots this week. What was your favorite part? (more…) Read more

June 3, 2015

Slut-shaming. I’m sure you have heard this phrase before. Maybe you’ve been a participant of slut-shaming, or a victim of it. Urban dictionary defines slut-shaming as, “An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity.” (more…) Read more

May 27, 2015

My dear friend came over last night, and as we lounged on my couch and drank our ice waters with fresh lemon from our yard, we caught up on how we were doing and what God’s doing in our lives.  I shared how lately I’ve been having this fear continue to creep up in my mind and heart like an unwanted visitor. I shoo it away, then the next day it’s there again, knocking to come in. And sometimes I... Read more

May 26, 2015

So a few weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at the Q Conference in Boston. They had talks on racial injustice, storytelling, immigration, and anything in between. It’s one of the few conferences I simply love to attend and soak up every minute. So I was deeply humbled when they asked me speak. They gave me 9 minutes with the topic of porn & technology. Above all I tried to share my heart and hopefully a few insights.... Read more

May 21, 2015

Hey guys! I’m having an absolute blast doing these vlogs. Let me know in the comments if you’re enjoying them too or if you have any ideas on how to make them better, what you’d like to see, etc. For now though here is our newest one! (more…) Read more

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