He Shoots, He Scores, He Gets Beat by a 12-Year-Old

He Shoots, He Scores, He Gets Beat by a 12-Year-Old June 28, 2012

Took this picture at Milt’s Pizza in Lynden Tuesday. It documents my highest score ever in one of those basketball hoop shooting games — the kind that let you throw at a stationary hoop for the first round and then move the basket from side to side for later, shorter rounds.

You have to score 40 points to make it into the second round, 150 for the third and 250 for the fourth. This was the first time I ever made the fourth round (previous high score 236). It took several weeks and hundreds of quarters to get there. As you can see, I also managed to rack up the high score on the machine. Everybody in the restaurant must have heard me yell in celebration.

My athletic achievement lasted all of 30 minutes. A boy of about 12 stepped up to the game and started firing baskets. My record stood for two games but on his third try he got a 334. Now I have a new goal to shoot for: revenge. That kid is going down!

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