I Now Pronounce You Gram and Gramps

I Now Pronounce You Gram and Gramps June 10, 2012

“How was Mass?” asked my roommate, who goes to Lynden’s local megachurch Christ the King.

“Pretty good,” I told him. “How was Christus Rex?”

He got it, after a tic or two.

Mass actually was pretty tolerable this morning. Fr. Flapdoodle’s homily was better because he cut it short. That brevity was used to carve out time to renew the marriage vows of an older couple from the parish on the day of their 40th anniversary.

Fr. F. said that some of the marriage rigmarole had shifted during the last 40 years, but he was pretty sure they’d be OK. He marched them through the usual canonical questions for Catholic weddings. When he got to the bit where the priest asks the couple if they are open to children, the wife declared herself “open to grandchildren.”

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