Catholic Mass Questionaire

Catholic Mass Questionaire August 19, 2012

How’s that new Mass translation working out for you — and your parish?

In the two parishes that I attend with some regularity, it was bumpy for a few weeks or even months. Yet by now even some of the more drastic changes have been swallowed.

For instance, in that bit where we used to say–

Lord I am not worthy to receive you. But only say the word and I shall be healed.

–and we now say the more ungainly, but distinctly more biblical–

Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

–I sense that the new translation is slipping into common, instinctive usage. Fewer people, including yours truly, are heard accidentally blurting out the old version.

The changes in the translation of the creed are also starting to take. I’ve got most of them down but found myself grabbing the printed card and reading along today precisely because fewer others are mucking it up and I didn’t want to stand out as that guy.

So that’s my experience. What’s yours?

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