May 26, 2015

1. Tom Hoopes writes: “God only has trouble reaching people who blow him off.” 2. Today’s Mass readings. 3. From Saint Augustine in the Liturgy of the Hours today: He did not treat us as our sins deserved. For we are now sons of God. How do we show this? The only Son of God died for us, so that he might not remain alone. He who died as the only Son did not want to remain as the only... Read more

May 26, 2015

1. The Immaculate Mother of God at the Chiesa Nuova where St Philip Neri is enshrined. — Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) May 26, 2015 2. In Magnificat today, from St. Philip Neri: One of the most excellent means of obtaining perseverance is discretion; we must not wish to do everything at once, or become a saint in four days…. 3. In the Catholic Herald across the pond: He was said to have had an all consuming love of... Read more

May 26, 2015

Because he said them some 500 years ago and we could afford to hear them every bit as much as the people he ministered to. (With photos from my phone recently taken in Santa Maria in Vallicella – known as Chiesa Nouva – in Rome, where St. Philip Neri is buried.) 1. If God be with us, there is no one else left to fear. 2. There is nothing the devil fears so much, or so much tries to hinder,... Read more

May 24, 2015

1. Pentecostal Flames: stained glass by Sylvia Nichols in Providence College (RI) — Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) May 24, 2015 2. From Pope Benedict XVI in 2006: On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended with power upon the Apostles; thus began the mission of the Church in the world. Jesus himself prepared the Eleven for this mission, appearing to them on many occasions after his Resurrection (cf. Acts 1: 3). Prior to the Ascension into Heaven, he... Read more

May 23, 2015

1. From a sixth century African author in the Liturgy of the Hours today: This was the way in which the Lord’s promise was fulfilled: No one puts new wine into old wineskins. New wine is put into fresh skins, and so both are preserved. So when the disciples were heard speaking in all kinds of languages, some people were not far wrong in saying: They have been drinking too much new wine. The truth is that the disciples had... Read more

May 22, 2015

1. The Spirit comes with the tenderness of a true friend, to save, to heal, to teach, to counsel, to strengthen, to console. St. Cyril — Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) May 22, 2015 2. Pope Francis: May each one of us think: ‘Lord, You are here, among us. Fix your gaze on me and tell me what I must do: how I must repent for my mistakes, my sins; what courage do I need to go forward on the path... Read more

May 22, 2015

100 years after her canonization, in 2000: 1. In her example of total abandonment to God, in her transparent simplicity and in her unflinching fidelity to the Gospel, we too can find sound direction for being authentic Christian witnesses 2. humility and obedience were the path that Rita took to be ever more perfectly conformed to the Crucified One 3. Following the spirituality of St Augustine, she became a disciple of the Crucified One and an “expert in suffering”; she... Read more

May 20, 2015

Philadelphians are constantly in motion preparing for the World Meeting of Families this September that will bring Pope Francis to town. This is a major event for the city, which you know if you’ve encountered the Pope in Philly milkshake at Potbelly, for one of many things. The place is abuzz and Catholics are chatting, volunteering, opening their homes, and praying. At noon today will be a Twitter chat with some of the speakers. Earlier this week, women from the... Read more

May 20, 2015

1. A little Pentecost pre-gaming in the Liturgy of the Hours from Lumen Gentium from the Second Vatican Council: The Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the faithful as in a temple. He prays in them and bears witness in them to their adoption as sons. He leads the Church into all truth and gives it unity in communion and in service. He endows it with different hierarchical and charismatic gifts, directs it by their means,... Read more

May 19, 2015

1. "Do not accept anything as truth if it lacks #love & do not accept anything as love if it lacks #truth.”-Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta) — Fr. James Bromwich (@NeriInstitute) May 19, 2015 2. Love is concrete – including the love in a cloister – Pope Francis said over the weekend. 3. A new wallpaper for your computer + mobile devices! Please share: — Fr. Robert Barron (@FrRobertBarron) May 18, 2015 4. We can believe what we... Read more

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