The Catholic Church & a World of Good

The Catholic Church & a World of Good March 27, 2013

I’m just catching up on reading and appreciated Kathleen Parker’s recent column on the media and the papal conclave. It is best summed up toward the end: “any evaluation of its present situation must also include recognition of the immense good that individual Catholics and the church do.”

Thank you, sister.
It’s funny to reflect on how many conversations were had in the time between the pope’s resignation and the election of a new pope — about doctrinal change, about candidates, about our projections on the Church. About trying to shape the Church in our own image, instead of conforming our lives to Christ!
Obviously, there is the need for ongoing reform and renewal. Evangelical Catholicism!, as my friend, George Weigel, the author of the book on it, says. (My most recent interview with him, on life with Pope Francis, is here.)
The Catholic Church is good, despite the sinners in need of a Savior who are Catholics. We all benefit from Catholics seeking to be Catholic in the world, everyday, in every setting. These next days are a blessed opportunity to renew our hearts in surrender to Christ, to truly encounter his love and mercy. So that we might truly live it and share it!

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