10 Annunciation Things that Caught My Eye Today (April 4, 2016)

10 Annunciation Things that Caught My Eye Today (April 4, 2016) April 4, 2016


2. Pope Francis: It’s the feast of saying yes to God.

3. Bishop Samuel Jacobs:

today is the right day to thank the Lord and ask ourselves: am I a man or woman of ‘yes’ or a man or woman of ‘no’? Or am I a man or woman who looks away, so as not to respond?” Lord, I renew my “yes” to follow your will, uttered many times over the years. May my “yes” be a continual surrendering to you even to my last “yes.”

4. From Magnificat:



7. Audio of Fr. Roger Landry’s homily today (bonus: singing from the Sisters of Life!).


Can be seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

9. I did not realize you can buy this image:


You can here — the purchase supports Trappistine nuns (and they have caramels, too)!

10. And today’s readings.

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