July 31, 2009

Home sweet home.

I probably have about two people who still check my blog after such a long absence, but it was much needed time to be still with the Lord and love on and be loved by dear friends and family. The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. I cannot describe the blessing that took place on July 17th at our dinner. It could not have been more God-orchestrated. From the songs that were sung to the words that were spoken and the people who filled the room to listen to God’s heart for the orphan, perfect. Thank you to everyone who played a part, helped set up, made center pieces, sewed table cloths, brought me coffee, prayed for me in the bathroom ;), prayed in general, came from near and far, sponsored a table, sponsored a child, I could go on and on. I am still in awe and praising Jesus for my fantastic board who made this possible and ensured that almost all the work was done before I got home, leaving me with nothing to worry about!!!

On a different praising God note, the day after the fund raiser, I began to have sever stomach pain on my right side. I took more ibuprofen than is even normal and the pain continued to get worse. I continued to travel to Chicago to see my family, but as the pain persisted I went to the emergency room. After hours of testing and finding nothing, they sent me back. The next day as a rash emerged from my belly button to my back, my Nana guessed it was shingles and was right. Needless to say the next few days consisted of the most excruciating pain of my life… they just seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger. I am much better now, was so thankful to have one of my best friends travel back to Uganda with me and be able to help me get through the airport, just feeling a bit itchy 🙂

I am amazed by God’s grace. I fully believe and understand that satan hates the work that Amazima Ministries is doing in Uganda. I see it all the time. The closer and closer we get to the center of God’s will for our lives, the harder he tried to discourage, lie, destroy. Like I said, Friday night was phenomenal. People heard God’s heart spoken, people were brought to tears, I believe people were changed. Not to mentioned that funds were raised that will keep our program running for a little bit longer. Shingles are probably just his way of letting me know he is not happy, but if he thought pain was going to keep me away from my children he was wrong again. But I continue to be in awe of the Lord’s hedge of protection around me, no doubt due in part to all o f your prayers. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever and the purposes of his heart through all generations. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him. I am not sure that shingles could be considered a blessing, but I could never think of a more perfect time for them to occur. A week earlier I would have been unable to help set up for the fundraiser, help with the little last minute details, and I definitely wouldn’t have been able to speak. A week later I would have been back in Uganda, without very adequate medical care, and I’m not sure we ever would have figured out what it was. All this said. If shingles is what it takes to remind me of His fantastic plan and the angels He has encamped all around me and my family and this ministry… then bring it on.

Being home is relieving and peaceful and wonderful. How beautiful it was to jump into 40 waiting pairs of arms (yes, all the neighbors were here too…) as they screamed and danced and jumped “Mommy”. There truly is no greater job 🙂 From the minute I got here we have been busy. Sick children, Karamajong children with what seems like a hundred jiggers in their feet, birthday parties, meetings, and the list goes on. I am happy and I am full.

Oh, and I am back to my routinely blogging… Thank you so much for your prayers and support!!! Love from Uganda 🙂

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