Practicing Together #11

Practicing Together #11 April 8, 2013

Crocuses blooming
Spring: it is for real! (Photo by me)

Hello, week!  Hello, practice.  We practice together on Mondays.  Join us here in comments, in your own blog, or in your head! All the ways are good.

This past week, I noticed that suddenly, even though I am as busy as I was last week, I am less anxious about it.  I love this, and I am also pretty sure that it means that the worry wasn’t about the busyness but about my reaction to it.  I also noticed some daffodils.

This coming week, I invite in the question “why?”  It has been popping up in my life a lot recently and this week it appeared in my dreams too, so I want to choose to engage with it and see where it leads.  I’m interested in particular in the kind of “why” that is looking for the deep-rooted intention behind something.

Ways this could work: I could try asking “why?” about things.  I could make up answers!  I could do some Shiva Nata. It could just work.

Updates from last week: Last week, I invited in shift, and hey!  On Monday, suddenly I was no longer stressed about my insane to-do list!  That was not what I was expecting, but it did just work.  This is why I love magic, people.

I would love to hear from you at any point during the week.  Whether or not you practice out loud, I hope your week brings exactly what you desire.

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