Feeling Like A Victim Because Of Your Divorce? These 5 Steps Will Help You Weather The Storm Of Suffering

Feeling Like A Victim Because Of Your Divorce? These 5 Steps Will Help You Weather The Storm Of Suffering October 24, 2016

Photo by Jean-Pierre Brungs, Unsplash.Com, CC
Photo by Jean-Pierre Brungs, Unsplash.Com, CC

Sometimes, the toughest thing in life to deal with is suffering because it’s not a pleasurable experience and of course, our immediate reaction is to stop the pain. So many people believe pain is just a pointless waste of time. But this perspective prevents us from recognizing the great opportunities for good that are being missed, and that is truly where the waste of time lies. When the loss of a marriage occurs, suffering and grief is experienced on many levels—physical, mental, emotional and moral—and it can seem impossible to heal from such a deep, deep hurt. But when you bravely dig up the roots of your pain, remove them, examine them it transforms you into a stronger person. When you face the pain of your divorce, really look at it; accept that it has happened and you can make peace with it. Even if screaming at the tops of your lungs or crying for hours is necessary first, you can make peace with it.

It’ss up to you to decide how suffering will change you. You can become a victim and let yourself become bitter and cynical. The world is full of this type of person: the victim. Why not be someone who can say “no” to the world and it’s attitudes of selfishness? Why not be someone whom others can look to and feel inspired? This is the type of person the world is waiting to see. Instead of giving in to bitterness and anger, you can face up to the pain and come closer to Christ through prayer, offering up your suffering, and mostly through admitting to yourself that you need God to help you, to heal you. And by doing so, you will find all the consolation and peace your heart can handle.

1.     Prepare yourself for the emotional and physical impact.

During a time of intense emotional suffering, your subconscious equates that to a “fight or flight” situation. The intense pain is not something easy to bear. As a result, your stress level increases significantly. It is not uncommon to be exhausted at the end of the day even though you have had minimum physical activity because your subconscious has revved up your body to handle the suffering. It’s important to take care of yourself physically during this time. This includes eating well, taking vitamins, exercising routinely, and getting enough sleep.

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