Gotta Love Camille Paglia

Gotta Love Camille Paglia October 11, 2012

“What in the world has happened to the Democratic Party? Its passivity towards this awful takeover of our lives by a know-it-all government, as shown by the way Obama has governed by constantly going around Congress — appointing czars and one new layer of bureaucracy after another. And hardly a peep of protest from liberals. It’s like the movie of H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine” — Democrats have turned into the Eloi; they’re like sheep. They hear a signal, and it’s like pre-programmed spin in their heads — they just trot like sheep in one direction. I am voting Green in protest against the systemic corruption of my party.” Camille Paglia

There’s a certain edge of manic madness in her voice when she speaks. It’s like being lectured by a machine gun. But though she’s a bit crazy, she’s generally honest. I wonder if she’s gotten the memo that a Green vote is really a vote for Obama as all third party votes are–or so I’m perpetually told.

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