“Prolife Except When It Endangers the Political Life of the Father”

“Prolife Except When It Endangers the Political Life of the Father” October 22, 2012

When a man like this yaks prolife/family values culture war rhetoric, takes you up on a high mountain, and promisse that “all the kingdoms of the earth will I give you if you bow down and vote for me” don’t. Just don’t. Vote your conscience instead. Vote *really* prolife. It profits a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Stop focusing on how your vote will influence the power structure and start thinking about how your vote is changing you. Is it making you grow in virtue or is it making you inured to evil? How many adulterous fornicating “prolife” frauds do we have to elect before we stop letting ourselves be played and demand really prolife pols and not merely “anti-abortion when politically convenient”?

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