How Can I Add to This Guilt-Inducing Meme?

How Can I Add to This Guilt-Inducing Meme? December 10, 2012

The hobbit you just called fat? He’s skipping 2nd breakfast. The dwarf woman you called ugly? She spends hours braiding her beard so you can differentiate her from a dwarf man. The Uruk-Hai you just killed? He’s been abused by Saruman. See that Gollum creature with the gangly limbs and large eyes? For 500 years the Ring poisoned his mind. That Elf you just made fun of for crying? She just lost her wizard friend to a Balrog. That tree you you hung toilet paper in, lost his wife. (LIKE LITERALLY HE LOST HER AND DOESN’T KNOW WHERE THE HECK SHE WENT) Share this if you’re against bullying in Middle-Earth.

Ah!  I know!  With another guilt-inducing meme!

I bet 99% of you won’t even forward this to everybody you know and threaten them with being heartless cads for not forwarding it to everyone they know.

That’s exactly what SAURON would do!!!!

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