Mike Flynn on Stupid Atheist Tricks

Mike Flynn on Stupid Atheist Tricks August 7, 2014

I had never noticed this particular contradiction in the atheist arsenal of argument-padding in the struggle against You Know Who.  But now that he names it, I find myself going, “Oh yeah!  They do do that a lot, don’t they?”:

The usual suspects are at work where the Statistician to the Stars is manfully working his way through Thomas’ Contra gentiles, and TOF notices a peculiarity previously glimpsed on the blog of P.Z.Meyer: viz., so soon as You-Know-Who is glimpsed at the end of a syllogism based on causation, they will deny causation and declare randomness rules. But let randomness appear to make room for free will, and their universe becomes strictly deterministic with mechanical causes strictly propagating the past into the future. Often, the same person will make both claims, though usually on different threads. There is probably no solution to this game of intellectual Whack-a-Mole, but TOF was especially charmed by the notion that there is no cause for radioactive decay, which is said to be due to magical chthonic effects obtained by invoking “chthulu” or “quantum mechanics” or something.

As usual, it’s all good stuff.  Read the whole thing.

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