Most Pro-Aborts, Like Most Prolife People, Are Squishy…

Most Pro-Aborts, Like Most Prolife People, Are Squishy… November 7, 2014

They hold their views tentatively, sympathetic to hard cases on the other side. Most prolifers are reluctant to tell victims of rape and incest that they should not abort. About 20% are intellectually consistent, as distinct from sentiment, prolifers.

Conversely, most pro-aborts want to tell themselves the “safe, legal, and rare” lie whereby they maintain the status quo, because they know, down deep, that this is the killing of innocent human life but they sentimentally don’t want to face it due to other emotional commitment to the plight of women in crisis pregnancies, etc.

But out at the fringes of the pro-aborts, in the 20% who shriek “abortion at any time without apology” and “abortion is a blessing from the goddess” etc. are the die-hard killers who really *love* that abortion kills children and who are as life-denying, evil, and scary as they come.

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