Pope turns out to be Catholic

Pope turns out to be Catholic January 19, 2015

Opposes artificial contraception and gay “marriage”, fails to confirm upscale Episcopalian wannabe in her okayness. Hissy fit ensues.

This is what happens when you believe your own banana oil about a pope upon whom you have chosen to project your fantasies–and he then fails to comply with your delusions. Anybody with both eyes open could have predicted both that the pope would be (duh) Catholic and that the backlash would happen. But the power of humans to delude themselves with ideology is amazing. So lots of people on the left are shocked, just as lots of Francis’ enemies on the right are relieved. And all those who are shocked and relieved only make clear that they don’t really believe the pope is Catholic. It’s a silly way to go through life, but lots of people choose to do it anyway.

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