I am informed Earth 2.0 leaves my faith in ruins

I am informed Earth 2.0 leaves my faith in ruins August 12, 2015

Another fundamentalist atheist who has never heard of the doctrine of angels thinks that the discovery of non-human intelligence should ruin the Christian faith and then laments that Christians are too intellectually adaptable to be as rigid as his fundamentalism demands:

Just like they eventually swept under the rug being wrong about earth’s position in the heavens. Or evolution. They will create contorted justifications to support this view, cite a few passages of the bible that could mean anything, and declare victory. Don’t say I did not warn you.

It must feel like Wile E. Coyote to be a fundamentalist atheist sure that *this* time SCIENCE will kill the Roadrunner of the Faith, only to find that Christians are all like, “Cool! New Planet! Wouldn’t it be even more cool if there was life on it!”

It’s like the Far Side cartoon with the guy whistling as he pushes a wheelbarrow through the pits of heel and the demons are muttering “I just don’t think we’re reaching that guy!”

Sorry, old man. Too bad. Keep trying. Reflect on the fact that the existence of non-human created intelligences sharing the universe with us is as ancient as the belief in angels and demons. If God has also created organic intelligences elsewhere, that’s not really that big a deal, theologically speaking (though it would be extremely cool).

Mike Flynn explains it all for you.

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