Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to lead San Francisco’s Fifth Annual Rosary Rally

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to lead San Francisco’s Fifth Annual Rosary Rally October 3, 2015

“The Faith is alive in San Francisco!”

Saturday, October 10, 2015
12 Noon
San Francisco U.N. Plaza (at 7th and Market Streets)


Contact:         Dave Marten: 415-272-5380. En español: 415-614-5573.

San Francisco, October 1, 2015 – On October 10th, thousands of Northern California Catholics will come together in San Francisco to publicly pray the rosary, listen to inspirational speakers, and ask the blessings of God on our communities.

In an August letter inviting the faithful Archbishop Cordileone wrote: “Since our first rally five years ago, the event has drawn an ever-growing number of priests, religious and faithful onto our streets to pray. These faithful come from San Francisco and beyond. Their intention is very simple: to pray for the needs of our great City and nation. I believe the presence of so many people in prayer is a great witness to those with whom we share our City. It is a sign too that God is truly with us and the Faith is alive……I invite you and your parishioners to join me in this celebration of our Catholic spirituality and tradition.”

The day begins with a 10:00 am Mass at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, at Gough and Geary Streets in San Francisco, celebrated by Archbishop Cordileone, concelebrated by  Fr. Arturo Albano, the rector of St. Mary’s, and other priests. Following Mass, the Archbishop will lead a Eucharistic Procession from the Cathedral to United Nations Plaza, where the Rosary rally will begin at 12:00 noon.

The pilgrims from the cathedral will be met at UN Plaza by an awaiting group of Catholics. After the procession’s arrival, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Benediction, for the welfare of the City of St. Francis.  Archbishop Cordileone will serve as keynote speaker and Fr. Arturo Albano will adress the faithful in both Spanish and Tagalog. Priests will be on hand to hear confessions. Special Guest speaker is Deacon Robert Ellis, from the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA.

While the Rosary Rally honors and remembers the worldwide rallies of Fr. Patrick Peyton, Fr. Lawrence Goode, chaplain of the Legion of Mary, stressed that the Rosary Rally is not an exercise in nostalgia. “You know, it was Fr. Peyton who popularized the phrase ‘the family that prays together stays together.’ His idea is even more relevant today than it was then. We must pray for the strengthening of family life.”

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