Jeb Bush, the brother of the man who launched a catastrophic preventive war

Jeb Bush, the brother of the man who launched a catastrophic preventive war November 10, 2015

…(known in technical theological terms as an “unjust war” or, more simply, as “murder”) announces that hell yeah, he’d go back in time and kill baby Hitler.

Jeb has just told every pro-abort in the world that killing unborn children in socio-economic strata at high risk for crime and violence is freaking awesome.

Here’s the deal: You shall not do evil that good may come of it. Killing babies is evil. Period. End of story. Fantasizing about killing babies because you are pretty sure they will grow up to do evil is evil and is a preparation of the soul for mortal sin. Telling a culture drunk on the blood of babies and already rationalizing the slaughter with slogans like “more abortion, less crime” is tying a millstone around your neck, Mr. Bush. Shut up, retract it, and drop out of the race. Your campaign is a disaster and you are not fit to be President.

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