Looks like Kaine still supports the Hyde Amendment

Looks like Kaine still supports the Hyde Amendment July 29, 2016

So that’s good news.  It will be interesting to see what they do now that the work of appealing to the gung ho pro-aborts in the base is over and they have to tack back to the center which a) doesn’t like abortion and b) doesn’t want to do anything about it.

Remember 2008, when Obama was pledging to sign FOCA on his first day in office?  And the way all that evaporated the instant he actually took office and we never heard about it again?  I think that’s what we have here.

Repealing Hyde will involve a big congressional fight and a huge waste of energy for puny political gain with a small minority of zealots for whom abortion is an ideological pole star.  My suspicion is that Hillary, like the rest of our political class, only cares about this as  vote-getter.  I remember her “safe, legal, and rare” mantra: classic Clintonian triangulation.  So I doubt she actually means to overturn Hyde.  Too costly to political capital for too small a gain from too extreme a minority.

Then again, I could be wrong and she may be that politically tone deaf and willing to alienate 80% of the electorate by that act of aggression against conscience.  We’ll see how much of a zealot she really is.

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