Erick Erickson shouts into the wind…

Erick Erickson shouts into the wind… October 26, 2016

at the most dangerously and willfully fact-resistant demographic to arise in the United States in my lifetime:

“If the election were held today, based on the polling averages, Hillary Clinton would win and she already has more than 270 Electoral College votes solidly in her camp. Don’t believe me. Fox News is reporting this.

“But you do not believe it because you do not want it to be true.

“You believe the election is going to be stolen despite the fact that it would take the coordination of over 2 million people keeping it a secret and strategically placing these people in key swing states. You believe Trump is ahead because his rallies are massive, but ignore that Bernie Sanders had massive rallies and lost. You believe anecdote is data and not seeing yard signs for Clinton means she must be losing.”

The most dangerous people are not those with sub-par brains.  Nor are they people whom chance has denied information.  The most dangerous (and spiritually endangered) people are those who look straight at reality and immediately set to work denying it and making war on it.  The first cardinal virtue is Prudence, the habit of seeing what is so and responding accordingly with justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and love.

Forget winning the election.  The biggest task facing millions of conservative Christians is recovering the cardinal virtues.

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