Jason Stellman is here to Make Christianity Great Again…

Jason Stellman is here to Make Christianity Great Again… March 24, 2017

in five easy steps.  Step 2:

Keep Heaven Safe

You know the old saying: “When it comes to real estate, it’s location, location, location.” If that’s true of earth, how much more true is it of heaven!

If there’s one factor that can drive down property values, it’s when your neighborhood starts being moved into by certain, umm, unsavory types. Keeping our living areas populated with the right kinds of people is indispensable for feeling safe while walking the streets, and it’s no different when it comes to those heavenly streets of gold. So be a good neighbor and do your part to quell heavenly overpopulation by insisting on an ever-narrowing list of criteria for inhabiting God’s inner circle. #satire

Clearly he has internalized the sacred meme in defense of cruelty to alien, the orphan, and the widow that is the New Bible of Republichristians:

Image result for heaven wall gate

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