A reader remarks on a story

A reader remarks on a story May 4, 2017

about a Christian abortionist:

Consistent with pro-abort rhetoric, he isn’t going to argue the science, because he knows it points to the truth. What I take away from this article isn’t the obvious misunderstanding of the 10 Commandments (abortion does not equal murder, and it doesn’t say thou shalt not commit abortion, therefore its OK). Or the usual “its whats best for woman’s health/emotional/financial care”. Or the attempts to make the pro-life side look like all we do is yell and scream at the other side. We’ve heard these argued a million times.

What I do take away from this article, is, as all sin does, it makes you stupid. You, as always, are right!

In all seriousness, the fundamental problem here, as it always seems to be, is he has decided what is right and wrong, not God. Since Adam and Eve, that never ends well.

So the rally cry “My Body; My Choice” can be expanded “My Conscience; My Morality; My Choice”. But we know as Christians, the truth can be found when you take yourself out of the equation, give yourself to Christ, and let it become His Choice, His Morality, His Conscience. Let us pray for this doctor, that he does the same, repents and turns around, like so many of the abortion industry workers have done over the years.

Agreed. I think such cases leave us only with prayer. This is a situation in which the will, not the intellect, is the issue. You and I cannot convert hearts. Only the Spirit can do that. Father, grant this person a change of heart and the choice to affirm the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary, pray for us all that we may do the same.

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