October 30, 2018

To be successful at contemplative prayer and Mindful Christianity, you must be able to center your mind and focus your heart on the risen Christ and the presence of God. One critical way of being able to concentrate your mind on God is the idea of non-doing. The art of non-doing is cultivating time alone with God. It’s important to note that the meaning of non-doing is not the same as doing nothing. Non-doing is an inward act which means... Read more

October 27, 2018

Our walk with God is fulfilling and freeing when we calm the thoughts that bounce around in our minds and focus our hearts on living in communion with the living Christ. Concentration on the living Christ connects us to the essence and presence of God on a moment by moment basis. (The Eternal Now – Embracing the Present Moment) Mindful Christianity is the practice of unwavering attention upon the character and nature of Christ in our daily lives. In Buddhist... Read more

October 23, 2018

When Jesus spoke in the gospel of John and said, I am the way, the truth and the life he was telling those who follow him they must practice His way of life if they want a genuine relationship with God. The early Christians in the book of Acts spoke of their faith as “the way.” They were walking in the steps of the living Christ as the living way of salvation as they shared the good news of reconciliation... Read more

October 16, 2018

There is an ongoing question about the nature of our humanity and being. Why do you and I do the things we don’t want to do and then continue to do them over and over again often to our detriment? (Rom. 7:20) There is a dual aspect to our “being,” and it helps to explain our behavior in life. It is critical to understand that our “being” is the essence of who we are and everything we think and feel... Read more

October 10, 2018

There are several misconceptions about the practice of solitude and contemplative silence. Solitude is more than being alone and quiet during prayer time and bible study. It is more than walking alone in the woods savoring a favorite hideaway and seeking isolation to escape the cares of the world. It is more than the relaxation from stress you desire on a beautiful and well-needed vacation. Solitude is a sacred place of silence where God has access to our inner being... Read more

October 6, 2018

Professor Hans Kung has said, “Until there is peace between religions there can be no peace in the world.” It is not exclusive to religion because masses of people are murdered because of their “nonreligious” ideology too. We need to understand when we believe our faith or ideas are the absolute truth and when we hold on to or cling to those beliefs they have the power to cause violence, suffering and the taking of human life with those who... Read more

October 1, 2018

Years ago I knew I was in a desperate need of getting alone with God to recharge my spiritual batteries and to listen for his voice. I began a journey of studying the contemplatives, the mystics and the misfits the church frowned upon throughout its history. I wanted to discover how to meditate and quiet my spirit and soul in the presence of God. I was not seeking a new experience or revelation but looking for a way of gaining... Read more

September 28, 2018

The phrase “letting go” is a well-worn cliché used by nearly every person alive at one time or another in their life.  We casually use the phrase and mouth the words without any real appreciation of its real inward power of what it truly means to let go. What I’ve observed people like myself leave claw marks with their fingernails grasping and holding on tightly unwilling to let go of anything in their life. The power and practice of letting... Read more

September 27, 2018

There is the belief for hundreds of years there may be no other planet like ours in the universe, but now with the Hubble telescope orbiting the earth, there is the possibility there may be numerous planets like ours in existence. When you think about it for a moment, either option is quite astonishing.  God transcends the universe and created order. There are numerous paradoxes and mysteries concerning human life. There is the thinking we exist autonomous of everything in... Read more

September 24, 2018

The word “practice” does not have the same meaning as practicing a sport or routine to perform at peak level. The practice of mindful Christianity and contemplative prayer is the discipline of energizing our minds to be present in an instant and to have the awareness that God is with us now. It is the practice of being aware of Christ’s presence living in us and connected with every facet of our lives. The practice of mindful Christianity understands the... Read more

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