Recoiling at California’s Supreme Court Decision on Prop 8

Recoiling at California’s Supreme Court Decision on Prop 8 May 26, 2009

While I think today’s decision by California’s Supreme Court upholding Proposition 8 was more than unfortunate, I am heartened by the fact they did not invalidate the more than eighteen thousand marriages already performed.

I’m also glad faculty and staff from my old seminary joined with other religious leaders in the protests that followed and should have followed.

Our Unitarian Universalist president Dr William Sinkford issued this statement.

“I am deeply troubled that the discrimination Proposition 8 introduced into the California constitution last fall has been upheld today, barring future marriages between same-sex couples. While I expected the narrow, technical reasoning behind the California Supreme Court’s decision, still I grieve for the state’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people whose rights and dignity have been under assault since the passage of Proposition 8.

“It is my earnest hope that the spirit of fairness sweeping the country this spring ultimately will prevail in California, where thousands of legally married same-sex couples will continue to bear witness to the vital importance of this basic civil right. Every day more and more Americans are choosing to stand on the side of love with these brave families, and I pray that the citizens and lawmakers of California will join them.”

And I think President Sinkford is right about that spirit sweeping our nation. It seems to me California’s electorate is experiencing a serious case of buyer’s remorse. And I feel it is likely that this execrable act will be overturned by the voters themselves next time around… 


But not soon enough…

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