Enter the Cult of Reason

Enter the Cult of Reason November 10, 2014

goddess of reason

It was on this day in 1793 that the goddess of Reason was proclaimed by the revolutionary French National Convention, beginning the brief run of the Cult of Reason.

Her image was installed on the high altar of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

I try to note this day as an interesting eruption of rational religion in the midst of the revolution.

Short lived, the atheistic cult of the goddess was suppressed by order of Robespierre who wanted a cult of the supreme being instead. Both the Cult of Reason and Robespierre’s Cult of the Supreme Being would be completely put down by Napoleon, who had other ideas.

As I look at it, I see what could have been a very interesting experiment in rational religion devolved quickly into mob reactions to the excesses of the Roman church, and mainly featured acts of desecration.

Oh, and maybe an orgy or two…

Not the high water mark of reasonable religion.

And perhaps a warning to many about many things, although I admit to not being clear on what that warning might be…

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