And a Blessed 21st of April to All!

And a Blessed 21st of April to All! April 21, 2015

haile-selassie(2) Some days its impossible to choose which holiday you want to honor.

For me out of the thicket of possibilities I find today, the 21st of April, boiling down to two:

The foundation of Rome! Hard to want to pass on this one. I mean it evokes so many things, starting with my childhood and those stories from the book of the Apocalypse which my grandmother was fond of reading to me, and which I liked before I discovered H. P. Lovecraft. And after that seeing Rome as less the (lady of the night) of Babylon and more as a pivot toward Western civilization (which, I guess deserves an ironic “sic” following, so here you go), and a perennial example of what can go wrong will probably do so.

But, at the same time the Rastafarian’s celebrate today as Grounatin Day, marking the visit of the emperor Haile Selassie to Jamaica in 1966. For me a grand example in the evolution of religions where the object of myth and the reality meet for a couple of very uncomfortable minutes.

I shall sit with this conundrum for a bit, sipping my morning latte.

Although I find myself inclined to the opportunity of a little reggae on this cloudy, wet, morning…

And then, probably, head out to do some real work…

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