Marking 400 Years with the Bard

Marking 400 Years with the Bard April 23, 2016


(This appears to be the only authentic portrait of the Bard)

As I was just reminded today is the four hundredth anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death.

I think about how we are who we are as people. The content of our minds are filled with images and phrases and assumptions derived from this and that, bits of feather, and fur, pebbles and random stars. For those of us who speak English William Shakespeare becomes a source, astonishing in its range, for much of that magpie nest which are our minds.

For that, mostly, thank you, Bill!

O the broad theme of what he brings to the party, want to enrich your use of invective? Well, here you go, again, thanks to Bill!

And to round it out, how about Sonnet 77?

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