And Yet it Moves: the Poetry of Reality

And Yet it Moves: the Poetry of Reality June 22, 2016


As it happens, it was on this day in 1633 that Galileo Galilei, threatened with torture and worse hanging in the air formally recanted his heretical view that the earth circled the sun.

Legend has it that after his formal recantation, which earned him the mercy of a life-time of house arrest instead of the rack and hot irons, he was said to have muttered, “And yet it moves.”

That is the interesting thing about science. It is concerned with things that happen whether one believes in them or not. Science is concerned with reality.

Makes me think about climate change. And how despite the power of those who continue to make a great deal of money in the short term by doing everything they can to silence the scientists who are publishing their research, mocking them, turning them into villains of political correctness, in the pocket of the green energy cartel, trying to drown them in an endless barrage of invective; the seas continue to rise, and each year it gets hotter.

The poetry of reality.

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