The Wolf Takes Possession of the Hen House

The Wolf Takes Possession of the Hen House January 20, 2017

Trump Gold

Well, here we are.

Enough people who are terrified at how the rich have been getting richer and the poor getting poorer while the middle class upon which our civilization has been based is rapidly falling apart, have elected as president of the United States a man who has spent his life enriching himself while screwing his vendors, and then ran a campaign long on hatred of all perceived “others,” while promising as he knows how to game the system better than anyone, once elected as president will turn those magic powers to the service of the people.

Of course the broad outlines of what he thinks his government should look like are in place. Turns out he really, really likes billionaires. Throw in a couple of generals, and a backroom of Alt-right tacticians, and, well. Let’s say its going to be a good day for those who don’t like government interfering. Unless its women’s reproductive health, of course. Or, if you’re LGBT. Or, muslim. Or, the wrong shade of skin color.

And, I admit, it all makes me wonder when the Hunger games begin…

But, first, today. Today Donald J Trump takes the oath of office, presumably putting his hand on a stack of hundred dollar bills.

We get to see whether this time, unlike so many others, that leopard will change its spots.

Or, to shift the metaphor, the wolf is now in hen house.

May god save us all.


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