Concluding Thoughts on Summer Vacation

Concluding Thoughts on Summer Vacation July 10, 2007

As prols for many years, Jan working as a typesetter & me as a glorified clerk (I had the title buyer much of the time) in used and antiquarian bookshops, we never had a proper vacation. Just didn’t earn enough money to do such a thing. It wasn’t until we moved into the professional ranks, more or less, with Jan earning her librarian degree & me the MDiv, did we ever take actual real vacations.

Let me tell you, we didn’t know what we were missing.

Not only does it really allow people to recharge, but it provides perspectives and opportunities to reflect that rarely can happen to the same depth without actual paid time off.

And it can be straight ahead fun.

As all three regular readers of this blog know, following the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly (read church convention) in Portland, Oregon, Jan & I took off on a driving adventure through Seattle, Vancouver, over to Victoria and then back to Seattle before flying home. Of course our household also includes auntie. So, after a few days back in town, we spent four in New York City with the full family. We’re just back…

When Jan & I go the Metropolitan Museum of Art is almost always a major featured attraction. (I’m figuring if we go once a year, we’ll see most everything we want by sometime near the end of the century) This time we focused more on what we felt auntie would enjoy, particularly her first experience of Broadway. First we took in Jersey Boys. What a grand example of Broadway at its best. “He acted, he sang, he danced, he played the sax…” As auntie can only take on so much excitement at a time, the next evening Jan & I saw Frost Nixon. It really is good & I look forward to the movie which I gather they’ll begin filming in August. And last, because we gathered while a serious bit of fluff, Auntie should really enjoy Curtains, we took it in. It was everything we expected. Lots of inside Broadway humor, lots of music and singing and dancing and foolishness, and lots of laughs. Auntie loved it. And Jan & I really liked it.

We did some other tromping around, mainly the Upper Westside where we’ve found a relatively cheap hotel that can accommodate a three adult party, spent not enough time in the Strand Book Store, and ate some good food.
Now we’re back.

Jan’s at work, auntie is resting up while scheming on her next garden project, and I’m getting ready to finish an overdue book project for Wisdom Publications.

Sesshin begins in about ten days.

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