King Tut

King Tut February 16, 2008

Egypt has loomed large in Western consciousness pretty much for ever. I think of the great spiritual speculations, particularly as it devolves into the more murky aspects of occultism. But, also, the more obscure aspects of Egypt’s influence on more “normative” spiritualities through the Desert Fathers (and Mother’s, even if they didn’t get quite the press…), and particularly the Nag Hammadi discoveries, all race through my mind. Rich stuff, no doubt…

By my calculations there have been two major events that mark waves of Egyptian interest in the west.

The first was sparked by Napoleon’s conquest of Egypt. It set the tone…

But for us, today, it was the second wave, which followed Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb on this day in 1923, that probably means the most…

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