Oresetes Augustus Brownson

Oresetes Augustus Brownson September 16, 2008

Orestes Augustus Brownson was born on this day in 1803 in Stockbridge, Vermont.

He came from an impoverished background and educated himself.

A restless and questing spirit, Orestes Brownson was a precursor, to my mind, of our contemporary spirituality; kaleidoscopic, experimental, and rarely, if ever, settled.

He was variously a Presbyterian, a Universalist minister, a Unitarian clergyman, a leader in the Transcendentalist movement, and eventually, a Roman Catholic.

He was a significant figure first as a Transcendentalist thinker and then as a lay Roman Catholic. It appears his later life was as conservative as his earlier was progressive.

Although how this should be achieved shifted over the years, a constant thread for him was his devotion to the concerns of the working classes and a relentless call for social justice in our nation.

While I prefer his earlier incarnations, I think his later concerns with eclecticism and relativism are worthy questions. Not his answers, mind you, but his questions…

A worthy figure to remember…

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