The Authoritative Port

The Authoritative Port March 3, 2009

Yesterday Jan & I had a very leisurely time, featuring a few hours at the Jewish Museum (what an unmitigated treat. highly recommend it to anyone Jewish or not…) and an evening at a preview of the latest Broadway revival of West Side Story. Great dancing, great, of course, music, still working some kinks out before they “officially” begin later this month… 

Oh, we ate a lot, too…

I write this from a very precarious piggy back on somebody’s internet access in the bowels of the Port Authority. (It has crashed twice now, and in fact I’m currently tapping away without access…) We arrived an hour an a half early to get on line for the putative bus back home to Providence. There’s actually someone in line in front of us…

Probably the most distressing thing I’ve seen here today (I’ve seen various distressing things at the Port Authority over the years) are small clumps of soldiers in body armor and packing serious looking sidearms. At least they’re not holding automatic rifles…

Hopefully we’ll be home in time to clean up and for me to get to our Lay Minister meeting…

at no extra charge, while not from the show, but…

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