Back frm the Hospital

Back frm the Hospital May 2, 2009

It is interesting, while it has felt like forever, it is less than forty-eight hours, by a long shot, and we are now home.

Auntie actually is walking around, although we think that will change as pain meds wear off.

I ran down to the Rite Aid to fill her prescriptions and came back to find one of the lay ministers handing off a bag of yums for us. Nice to feel cared for!

I spent most of the past two days at the Miriam. Today walking down the halls and looking into the rooms reminded me of all the things of our lives.

People alone, some completely turned inward, some looking out at the door, a room with two men holding hands, another with a lot of people surrounding someone who surely looked to be dying and dying right then…

Such sadness, mingled with moments of healing and hope.

I’m exhuasted, in a generally foul mood, needing to attend to tomorrow’s service – sermon half written and other tasks to take care of.

But, still, glad to be alive.

Glad auntie seems okay…

More on that when we get the results back from her lymph nodes, of course…

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