Hanging Between Heaven and Hell

Hanging Between Heaven and Hell July 30, 2011

Summer must be wearing on me. I feel a sermon coming on, and as I don’t have a day set to climb into the high pulpit for a bit, perhaps I’ll inflict my small message on you, dear reader…

I’ve noticed there are two phrases that when I hear either of them, I get ready for something unpleasant to follow, the smell following a dead skunk in the road.

Of the two likely the worst is “this probably isn’t politically correct.” This is, near as I can tell, an announcement to all within hearing distance that someone wants to say something particularly unpleasant about a group of people.

I’m not sure if this was originally meant to be ironic, or if people actually think it a magical spell taking away the unconsciousness, or even hatred within the words, a bit of perfume to cover over rotting flesh, or spirits…

Not far behind, however, is the phrase, “I have to speak my truth.” Perhaps this is a bit less obvious. But, near as I can tell this collection of words put together like this usually means we’re about to be treated to a full display of ego, ego undressed in all its glory.

Usually, in my experience, this is the way we start a justification for something that is going to be hurtful for someone else. Less the smell of rotting flesh, more the silent moving ever more distantly from others, the aggrandizement of one’s place and a diminishment of one’s responsibility to others.

Both cutting us off…

Cutting me off. I look in the mirror & know while I may not use the words, exactly, I’m capable of the same intention…

Of course, in the middle of all this, waiting like the beating heart itself is the possibility…

We can always turn…

As long as that heart beats…

And find that larger heart which makes all things divine.

Only takes a moment

If we’re willing to open to the sacred place…

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