June 14, 2010

Jimmy Dean died yesterday. Couldn’t help think of his working man’s classic… What particularly moves me is how this song so deeply called to a certain class of American’s in its day. People who didn’t and actually still don’t have much of a say in things. They work hard, but don’t advance. Just working stiffs. In the culture wars my views seem often at odds with theirs. But not always. I share their admiration for people who will put it... Read more

June 14, 2010

On this day in 1846 various malcontents started the Bear Flag Revolt, an opportunistic action in the middle of the Mexican American war, creating the California Republic. The next day William B. Idedeclared himself president, a reign which would last a mere twenty-five days before he and the rest of the Bear Flagers would join John Freemont’s American forces. With that California’s future was settled. Other than as a footnote, and the origin of the state’s flag, there isn’t much... Read more

June 13, 2010

My old Dharma friend Danny Fisher interviewed me about my joining in the demonstration against SB1070 in Phoenix, for Shambhala SunSpace. Here it is. Read more

June 13, 2010

This afternoon I’ll be joining clergy from across the state in a worship service kicking off Rhode Island’s Gay Pride Week. the following is the public announcement from the chair of our Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality in Rhode Island. I think it is worth a read. And if you’re in the area, I hope to see you at three… The eyes and the ears of the State of Rhode Island will be upon us for a brief moment this... Read more

June 12, 2010

(thank you, Alan!) Read more

June 11, 2010

Brooke McEldowney’s 9 Chickweed Lane tells a story. And a pretty good one, I think. Here’s today’s installment.    If you like a bit of a story, some soap, a bit of war, characters you’re going to like, well… The storyline begins pretty close to here. And can be followed up to now by going here… Read more

June 11, 2010

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. Read more

June 10, 2010

I understand as his life seeped from his wounds Robert Kennedy whispered to his wife Ethel, “Is everyone else all right?” They would be his last words. The forty-second anniversary of the senator’s death slipped by me some five days ago. A life-time has passed. And as significant as that moment was in our American lives, time passes, and memory fades… Right now, however, it is dying that is in the front of my mind. For the past five or... Read more

June 10, 2010

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June 9, 2010

A small tip of the hat to Jack Harrison, who died Friday. Sometimes it is hard to remember the Great Escape was real. My father who fought in Europe just loved the movie. And because of that, so did I. I’m still fond of my memories of it, carefully avoiding actually seeing it, something quite dangerous to fond memories… But the trailer is fun, in a boyfun sort of way… Rest in peace, Jack… Read more

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