FYI: No Need to Worry about Penis Size

FYI: No Need to Worry about Penis Size October 9, 2015

Body image issues seem to loom large for many of us – especially when embracing our sexual selves.  And penis size tends to be an area of concern for many males.  I have many who have shared early shaming experiences happening in places like middle school locker rooms with peers espousing all kinds of myths and hurtful folklore that can affect sexual self-confidence and hesitancy to be vulnerable when it’s time to be sexual.  Remember – sexuality is not a performance!  Sexuality is supposed to be about a meaningful, safe, and edifying exchange – instead of the many things the media and body product retailers would like to convince you it is about (i.e. penis size, breast size, body size, certain sexual acts, hair removal or non-removal, certain sexual positions or acts, and on and on….).

One of the positive and beautiful messages within Mormonism is seeing our bodies as gifts from loving Heavenly Parents.  And even though our bodies are often flawed and deteriorating in one way or another after a certain age 🙂 – we can take great comfort in embracing our mortal vehicles for all they help us accomplish.  Including the pleasurable sensations and experiences of our sexuality (also a God-given gift).

Some bullet points I think are important to highlight from this article:

  • Many men have insecurities and concerns about their penis size.
  • Penis size is not linked to other physical features (i.e. foot size, height, body mass index, etc.).
  • Penis size does not seem to be correlated to race or ethnicity.
  • Male performers in pornography are usually selected due to extremely large genitalia (not the norm).
  • There are no effective lotions or pills to increase penis size – so don’t waste your money on these gimmicks.

How big is the average penis?

Natasha Helfer Parker can be contacted at


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