Fasting is Hard…

Fasting is Hard… January 6, 2009

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Today I’m fasting for the 9th of Muharram, and tomorrow inshAllah I’ll fast the 10th. I’ve been pregnant or nursing for the last several years, and being “of advanced maternal age”, I’ve been unable to fast while preggers and if I fast more than a day while nursing my milk supply tanks. I’m SO out of practice. I didn’t have suhoor, big mistake, but when the baby finally sleeps through the night your loathe to get up one moment before you have to. Hubby is taking medicine so he can’t fast today so it’s just me. The baby is old enough now that she’ll be fine.

I’m all wobbly and tired and weak, not inspired to write or wash dishes or do laundry. I washed dishes anyway just becuase, fed the kids lunch, and realized sitting around watching Food TV was probably not the best way to spend the afternoon. Alhamdulillah, maghrib is around five so I only have about 2-1/2 hours left. InshAllah I’ll make it. It certainly gives you a greater appreciation for food. Right now plain old saltines look really good.

Well, since I’m feeling so uninspired I think I’ll stop writing so I don’t write something stupid or incoherent.

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