Got a writing gig, mashAllah

Got a writing gig, mashAllah December 29, 2009

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

As usual, I’ve neglected my poor blog and let it lie fallow for a long time. Amazing that nothing wrote itself in here while I was away. I’ve been pretty busy in real life, chasing kids, feeding hubby, doing all that wonderful domestic stuff that I detest, but, hey, can’t let the kids run around naked!

I’ve still been teaching in Second Life. I have the weekly sisters’ halaqah, and while the numbers are small, the ladies are very interested in learning, which is great. I have met a lot of people from all over the world.

I recently started posting answers to questions from a website,, which is associated with, a matrimonial and advice site. InshAllah I’ll be doing more writing there as I’ve been invited to participate on a more regular basis. Well, writing is what I do, so sign me up!

Not much new in my life. Just doing what I do, continuing to be a news junkie, though sadly I no longer have MSNBC since we switched cable providers (grrr!). I still have football so life can go on….

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