It’s a God Fit

It’s a God Fit June 10, 2011

The price of my original art and prints is going back up this weekend. Take advantage of the low prices. Especially if you want to own an original Sophia drawing. Go to my online art gallery for originals and prints now.

We all do this. It’s called “hermeneutics“. It’s the method we employ to interpret the text. The bible doesn’t speak for itself. It’s filtered and edited through our personal grid.

We all approach the text with our own presuppositions. We all approach the text with an idea of God in our minds, even if we don’t believe in a god. Our minds have settled on a preconception, and the mind makes the text fit with that presupposed thought.

Unless something incredible happens. Something I call revelation. When the text, like a meteor from another galaxy, crashes into our minds and changes everything. Or when our minds are caught off guard and the text sneaks through and stakes its claim.

That’s rare. Which is why it is so holy and beautiful and transformative.

If you haven’t bought my book of cartoons, you simply must. Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from,, Great for laughs and serious discussion!

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