yes but yes but yes but

yes but yes but yes but November 15, 2011

In the last 15 years of being a pastor of a local church, I employed the dialog format for preaching. Question and answer. Discussion.

I also emphasized grace, love, mercy and compassion in all my teaching.

You can ask any of the people who listened to me teach and they will verify both of the above.

What I hope can also be verified is that someone always… and I mean always… felt the need to balance my message of grace with a dire warning or cautionary appendix to what I was saying.

Yes, but…” is the religious mindset’s need to control and keep people down and in their proper and dehumanized place.

If you read my blog: have you noticed how there are people constantly saying “You’re so negative!“? Then when I do a positive cartoon like the one I posted this morning, “Jesus Says Don’t”, people say I’m being too positive and that there needs to be balance.

Again: it’s the religious mindset messing with your mind, incessantly attempting to keep you in a constant state of bewilderment and insecurity and ultimately fear, and in need of forgiveness and a saviour.

Just a reminder that you can download this morning’s very popular cartoon for just .99¢ (Nearly 200 shares on facebook alone!)

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