DNA test reveals believer is part atheist!

DNA test reveals believer is part atheist! November 14, 2013

atheist dna cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward
“Atheist DNA” (by nakedpastor David Hayward)

You’ve heard the story, haven’t you, of the white supremacist Craig Cobb being informed on TV that his DNA test reveals he is 14% African. He refused to believe it or fist bump the host and went down some conspiracy theory road.

We talk a lot about atheism in our online community because many of us are atheists or are struggling with it.

I claim that those who always profess they always believe are either always lying or always living in denial.

Do you need biblical warrant? The many Old Testament lamentations. The man who said to Jesus, “I believe, help my unbelief.” Jesus on the cross crying out to an absent God.

I am part atheist and I’m proud of it. I have been and know different kinds of atheists. What do you think of these categories?

  1. LOCAL: She no longer believes in the personal god she used to. He has disappointed so many times that she’s decided there’s no evidence of his existence anymore.
  2. CONTINENTAL: He no longer believes in the god of his religion. Perhaps he’s agnostic in that he believes there’s no proof for the existence of deities.
  3. GLOBAL: She rejects the belief in the existence of deities. She takes the position that there are no gods. Period.

Which one would your inner atheist identify with right now?

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